Local Partners


Association of Psychologists Novi Pazar (The Youth Cluster NP)
Contact person: Zehra Hasanbegović
Mitrovačka bb (Sports hall Pendik), Novi Pazar
063 189 01 30, 020 600 353

The Youth Cluster Novi Pazar is a consortium consisting of two entities: the Office for the young city of Novi Pazar and NGO Association of Psychologists. This cluster represents a “bridge” between employers in the Novi Pazar City District and a qualified workforce of young people. The Youth Cluster has been founded with the aim of providing all the necessary support to young people of Novi Pazar when choosing an adequate career. Also,Youth Clusters strives to strengthen young people in becoming suitable for the desired employment through education and personal improvement. The main goal of Youth Cluster is to work on increasing the youth employability from Novi Pazar City District, through gaining knowledge and practical skills.

Services available through Youth Cluster and E2E programme are in Novi Pazar:

  • Competence Development Centre

Objective: Improve personal and interpersonal skills of young people, in order to improve the self-presentation and therefore increase the chances in the labor market.

To whom it is intended: young people aged 15-30 years, who leave the social protection system, socially and economically disadvantaged youth groups, youth from rural communities, youth with disabilities…

  • Career Counseling and guidance

Objective: Empowering young people in choosing the right profession, support in active job search, introducing young people with the labor market and potential employers

To whom it is intended: young people from 15-30 years of age

  • Peer education

(peer workshops on career counseling and management, promotion of secondary schools in elementary schools, meetings with school representatives, forming peer teams for career guidance and secondary school counseling in Novi Pazar)

Objective: Through peer education and workshops that are kept young until more effective education of peers

To whom it is intended: young people aged 15-19 years.

  • Business Connection

Objective: Enable and motivate Novi Pazar employers to organize work practices and internships, help companies in choosing the future employees among the best young trainees is training in the workplace.

For whom it is intended: the business sector in Novi Pazar

  • Developing PPDP trough the principle of cooperation in the employment of young people

Objective: Agreements between public institutions, business sectors, educational institutions and the civil sector, which will, through forming a working group, enable youth in Novi Pazar and the environment of combining theory and practice in education. This approach will create opportunities for the business sector to take an active role in the development of curricula that are in line with the real needs of their companies.