About E2E


In order to help young people in developing work skills companies are really looking for, we have created a network of six partner organizations in Kruševac, Kragujevac, Knjaževac, Novi Pazar and Pirot. These were our pilot communities in which we implemented the Swiss labour market management system and adapted it to the specificities of our country, and in that way, we looked for the employability system that suits us best. From 2022, we have joined three more partner organizations in Nis, Pozega and Sabac.

We are also interested to know what are necessary changes in the legislative framework of the Republic of Serbia in order to make this system work properly nationwide.

Education to Employment: Our local partners, with our support, will eventually strengthen and develop a spectrum of their services, so that, upon completion of the project, they are completely able to:

Within our programme, the project Support for the Implementation of Employment and Social Policy Reform Programme in the Republic of Serbia with a Focus on Employment Policy and Increasing Youth Employability” (”Youth Employment Initiative”) was active as a part of is part of a broader programme financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and implemented by the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (SIPRU) team in partnership with the key ministries for youth employment and employability in the Republic of Serbia – the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Ministry of Youth and Sport.


Through developing our training in the workplace programmes, Education to Employment has gained valuable experience in the development of programmes and youth training plans in the workplace. We have put this experience at the disposal of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Institute for the Improvement of education and training in the process of drafting plans and programs in the framework of formal education according to the dual education system.

"We have a unique opportunity to create a support hiring system in Serbia. Our thorough field analysis is reported to all the relevant ministries of Serbian Government so they can contribute to the formulation of a legal framework which supports the faster workforce training programme development, separate from the formal education system."

- Oliver Streit, Director E2E programme

Act independently

Provide data on the situation in the labour market to young people in their communities

Create training programmes in the workplace

Give practical tips for career development and professional training

Help companies and unemployed to find and meet themselves faster and easier