- Preparation of the initiative for the adoption of the elevator installer qualification standards at the request of companies
As part of cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, and at the proposal of the Elevator Council, a lack of competent elevator installers was determined. Given the specificity of this job as well as the working conditions that do not allow younger people to acquire these competencies in regular secondary vocational education, with the support of NIRAS, an initiative was prepared for the development of qualification standards based on the SKA analysis of jobs in 12 companies, members of the council (David Pajić Daka d.o.o., Šindler d.o.o., GT Lift d.o.o., ANND Vasić d.o.o., Mikromotor d.o.o., Kosmaj d.o.o., Kleman d.o.o., Jugoinspekt Belgrade, Grossi liftovi d.o.o. Belgrade, Elkont inženjering d.o.o., Teko liftovi d.o.o. Belgrade, Balkan lift komerc d.o.o. The elevator installer qualification standard, NQFS Level 5, was adopted in August 2021
- Development of qualifications in the ICT sector – support to the ICT Sector Skills Council and the Qualifications Agency
The ICT sector is one of the most intensive in terms of education and employment. The speed of development of this sector is very high, and the number of professionals with adequate competencies does not meet the needs of companies. Therefore, the challenge of developing qualifications is very great. As part of NIRAS’ support to the Qualifications Agency, i.e. the Sector Skills Council for ICT, two workshops were held on Swiss and international experiences in this area. The workshops were led by the Deputy Director of ICT Berufsbildung from Bern, Dietmar Eglseder. The participants of the meeting were presented with the latest version of e-CF (e-Competence framework).
- Preparation of promotional video material about the submission of the initiative for the development of qualification standards
The further development of the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Serbia is certainly based on the constant development of new qualifications with which an individual acquires the necessary competencies for work within the profession and further education in accordance with technological and social development. In order to promote the idea that qualification standards are adopted on the basis of relevant evidence contained in the standards development initiative, NIRAS supported the Agency by creating a promotional video.