Workshop in Mechanical School with the VR headset

Niš: Career counsellors in Niš Job Info Centre (JIC) organised a workshop in the Mechanical School in Niš. It was attended by the students of third and fourth year of different school departments.
Considering that this school has a mixed department for locksmiths/welders, the opportunity arose for a student from this department to try out the VR headset and experience this job from a virtual reality perspective.

The organisers of the workshop said that, taking into account that the students in question already had practical training within which they had already become familiar with the requirements of this job, the representatives of JIC Niš considered it important to get feedback from the students confirming that virtual presentation of the welding process is realistic.

“A large number of students wanted to try out the headset, which makes us hope that they will be visiting our office in Niš Job Info Centre in near future, considering that there was not enough time for them all to try it out during the workshop”, Aleksandra Ignjatović, JIC Niš career counsellor described her experience from yet another school in Niš.
Also, during the workshop the strongest focus was on CV writing and the manner of presenting oneself to a potential employer. The JIC representatives highlighted that the Mechanical School in Niš is a vocational school with the departments falling under the dual education system and what the students actually need is to have a well-prepared CV already.
The JIC office is in TPC Kalča, on the first floor.
Text and photo: Jovana Đorđević / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković