With VR easier to career choice

Kruševac: Final year secondary school students Ognjen i Ilija are among about 50 young people who, within the career guidance and counselling, tried out the VR headset in Kruševac. They were awestruck by the possibilities brought by the technology and the believability of the online experience of forklift operation.
They too confirmed that the talks they had with the counsellor helped them decide what to do after finishing school.
Ognjen Filipović (18) finishes the Grammar School in Kruševac. He plans to continue school and in all probability he will be going to FON or to the Mathematical Faculty considering that he is interested in modern information technologies.
“The decision-making process was really confusing because I am interested in so many different things. I have been coming to the Educational Centre for some time already. It is through the workshops, that I came to the solution, namely to the choice I made“, Ognjen said.
For the use of the VR headset through which he ‘saw’ what the job of a person operating a forklift really look like, he said that it was quite realistic:
“The movement of your hand really felt as if you are doing some actions with your hands, you move the handles, just at the real forklift. The application leads you through all the parts of the work process and explains them. I believe that it is really important to gain experience in this way because it will be integrated in most of the professions in near future. This technology becomes increasingly more accessible to consumers. This is a really good experience and I would recommend to everybody to try it“, Ognjen said.

Even though Ilija Konstantinović (18), who is finishing the legal department in the Kruševac Economic/Trade School, knows that he wants to enrol the Faculty of Law, he found it really useful that he tried out how a forklift is operated in the virtual world.
“It was really interesting. I have never done that. I had a physical job before but this is a good method of gaining new experience, without needing to make any physical exertions.“
Also, during the process of making decision on further education, he had talked more than once with a career counsellor in the Job info centre of Kruševac Educational Centre Aleksa Pavlović.
“Each one of those individual talks meant a lot to me. Essentially, I obtained more information about the existence of different university studies and I have considered some possibilities about which I had not even been aware before“, Ilija said.
He told us that he had transferred his good experience to his school mates who had different dilemmas with regard to the development of their careers. Subsequently, many of them came to the above-mentioned Job info centre to get advice and assistance.

Text and photo: Jelena Božović / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković