Talking with youth from ETŠ Nikola Tesla

Knjaževac: In this schoolyear, Job info centre Knjaževac continued their multiyear cooperation with the Electrical Technical School “Nikola Tesla“ in Niš. With the support of the school career team, and within the “Education to Employment” programme, career practitioners talked with youngsters about the career choice and education after they finish the secondary school.
The Electrical Technical School “Nikola Tesla“ is the oldest educational institution of that kind in the territory of South Eastern Serbia. It was founded in 1939 and today it has almost a thousand of students who can choose one of seven educational profiles.
The optional educational profiles include two three-year ones which were designed in accordance with the dual system. These are electrician and electrical fitter of grids and plants.

While at school, students, both male and female, have practical training which takes place in companies and employers are actively included in the distribution of students to companies and marking them during the practical training and during the final examination.
Knjaževac Job info centre organised a workshop on the simulation of interview with the employer in school, and students did the Way–FI quiz. There was also much talk about plans for the future, choice of university studies after they finish the secondary school, as well as about the possible effect of artificial intelligence on the development of some specific professions.
Text and photo: Ljiljana Pavlović/ Edited by: Sandra Vlatković