Holidays are over, career sessions will now start again

Pirot: Looking back at what happened during last year, Božilović Minčić said for our website that it was quite successful when it comes to the activities implemented within the “Education to Employment” project.
“The indicators – both qualitative and quantitative, are really good. About 1,100 young people received a career guidance and counselling service for youth in 2023. Additionally, 74 young people were involved in work-based learning programme with more than 60 percent of them staying on to work in the companies in which they underwent the training. Another good example is that, in one of our local companies, at the training for CNC operators, we have a mentor who had previously himself undergone the WBL training in this same company in which he is now employed”, Božilović Minčić said..
She added that, the same as before, they also had very good cooperation with all primary and secondary schools and their career teams in Pirot, as well as with schools from a part of Nišavski county.
“After group workshops, an increasingly larger number of young people contact us in the Job Info centre so as to go through the entire process in a more thorough way, check themselves and their competences, and make the right decision – whether on their continuation of school or entry to the labour market. Career counselling is a process and the decision-making as such is not an activity taking place overnight – it requires time and, quite often, also the application of different methods and more than one encounter with career counsellors”, she stressed.

Considering that winter holidays will finish before the end of current month, the Pirot Job info centre’s career counsellors will be available for young people in schools by the end of January already.
“We have scheduled career sessions in some schools in Niš. We also plan to renew our cooperation and to agree on our next activities with the schools with which we have previously collaborated. Until the end of the duration period of this project phase, we will continue our regular activities which, apart from group career sessions, also include individual career sessions, assistance in the job search, assistance in the application for a job (writing of CVs and motivational letters)“, she said.
She said that these days the largest number of users contacted us requesting assistance in job search, and only a smaller number of them came with regard to their career choice.
“Generally speaking, the activities mostly focused on composing CVs and accompanying letters, as well as on sharing and disseminating information about the local labour market”, career counsellor in the Pirot Job Info centre Jovana Božilović Minčić said.
Text: Zoran Panić / Photo: Archive of the Job info centre / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković