Proslava prve godine rada Job Info centra Kraljevo

Kraljevo: The Job Info Center Kraljevo celebrated its first anniversary with an event attended by local officials, educational leaders, and industry representatives. The Assistant Mayor of Kraljevo, Marko Matović, and Lucija Vasiljević from the Regional Development Agency, opened the event with remarks on the role of JICs in bridging education and employment.
A panel discussion titled “Career Perspectives in Serbia: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future” featured speakers such as Jelena Stefanović, E2E’s Career Guidance Component Leader, Snežana Prelić from the National Employment Service (NES), Dragana Paunović, director of Economic school, and Milena Srećković, HR director from local company EUROTAY. Attendees discussed current employment trends, the value of CGC services, and the critical role JICs play in helping young people and job seekers develop skills relevant to today’s market. Additionally, a VR workshop offered students a chance to explore the potential of virtual reality in various careers, creating an interactive experience of tomorrow’s workplace.