Terms of Reference for an Expert to prepare Training for CSO to outreach and activate NEET youth with health issues and disibilities

Key Activities:
- To prepare a training program for outreaching and activating NEET youth with health problems and limitations that make them inactive and outside of the labour market (including but not limited to NEET youth with disabilities – PWDs)
- To execute up to 2 trainings for CSOs, according to the developed training program.
1. Background and context
The Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) assigned NIRAS Germany to implement the project “From Education to Employment (hereinafter: E2E) – Phase III that commenced in May 2024 and will last until 30th April 2028.
The E2E, through NIRAS, supports evidence-based approaches in the youth employment policies in Serbia. At the national level, the key line ministry in charge of the implementation of the youth employment and employability policies in Serbia relevant for implementation of the E2E is the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (hereinafter: MoLEVSA). The E2E also closely cooperates with several other relevant institutions and organizations and supports national policy partners in improving legal and strategic framework for employment, as well as in establishing the system of CGC support and accreditation of informal trainings.
On the local level, the E2E aims at enhancing youth employability in fifteen districts, through cooperation with local partners, mainly civil society organizations, that establish and accredit career centres entitled Job Info Centre. Through the promotion of CGC services for pupils/students as well as the job seekers, the E2E facilitates the entry of young people into working life.
The overall goal of the E2E is that women and men, including vulnerable groups benefit from new or better employment opportunities through a more market-oriented job matching and industry–led training offer.
The project has three outcomes:
- Outcome 1 (People): More women and men make use of better CGC, job matching services and training solutions.
- Outcome 2 (Services): Companies make use of matching and advisory services to improve their training offer and HR practices.
- Outcome 3 (Enabling Environment): Sub-national and national policy makers and implementers create a more enabling institutional and policy environment for employment and employability.
These specific Terms of Reference are related to the achievement of Outcome 3, more specifically Output 3.2: Licensed local labor market services providers improve specialized services for integrating vulnerable groups using public funds (PEAs, CSOs).
As of 2024, the E2E supports the execution of the “Plan of Implementation of Youth Guarantee in Serbia”, a national program coordinated by the MoLEVSA, aimed at facilitating the transition of young people to the labour market and promoting their employment, through cooperation between different sectors and social partners. The Youth Guarantee program ensures that young people up to the age of 30 receive a good-quality offer of employment, continued education or an internship within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving or completing formal education. In order to effectively implement the Youth Guarantee, it is recognized that strong partnerships need to be established, in particular between the departments responsible for labour and employment, social affairs, education, youth, economy and finance, with employers, as well as with civil society organisations, youth offices and other labour market actors.
The YG Implementation Plan also foresees piloting of the “model for outreach and activation of NEET youth who are outside the system”. As part of its obligations within the YG Implementation Plan, the E2E has organized a basic training for the outreach to NEET for CSOs. Since this training does not include outreaching to specific categories of NEET, it is necessary to organize an additional training for CSOs for outreaching to persons with disabilities (PWDs) or health problems and limitations that make them inactive, as health and disability represent some of the key reasons for staying outside of the education or labour market.
2. Objective of the assignment
The objective of the assignment is to teach representatives of youth CSOs how to outreach to NEET with health problems and limitations and young PWDs who are not on the unemployment registry – where to find them, explain the benefits of getting into the YG support system and referral to the National Employment Service.
The tasks of the expert shall be:
- To prepare the training program including topics: i) establishment of contact with NEET with health problems and limitations and NEET PWDs who are not on the unemployment registry (where and how to reach them); ii) models of activation and counselling, iii) referral to the NES and informing NEET of the process of disability categorization, iv) staying in touch – support to NEET after registering with NES and entering the YG.
- To execute training for CSOs, according to the developed training program.
The mandate shall be performed in close cooperation and consultation with E2E PIU.
3.The Expert’s (or Team) profile
The proposed expert(s) shall have the following skills, experience and qualifications:
- University degree in social sciences
- At least 7 years working experience in relevant field
- Experience in delivering trainings
- Excellent knowledge of the legal framework regulating the position of PWDs in the labour market and the necessary measures for their activation
- Sound understanding of policy, institutional and legal education and employment context in the Republic of Serbia
- Sound understanding of the legal and financial framework in which civil society organizations conduct their activities
- Other skills required on high level:
- Language skills – Serbian and English language
- Presentation skills
- communication skills.
The proposed expert team should consist of up to 2 experts. It is possible to apply as a single service provider or individual consultant.
4. Deliverables, expert days and deadlines
The deliverables of the assignment shall comprise:
For the Task 1:
- Prepared training program – duration of up to 2 days, including PPT handouts by 15th March 2025;
NOTE: Given that this training is part of the E2E support of the Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan, the training program should be created taking into account the developed process in the Model for outreach and activation of NEET youth that are outside of the system which can be found under the following link: https://www.minrzs.gov.rs/sites/default/files/2024-08/Model-za-dosezanje-i-aktivaciju-NEET-mladih-v4-FInal-29.1.2024.pdf
For the Task 2:
- Executed training program and submitted report by 10th April 2025.
All the deliverables should be presented in the Serbian language.
5. Timeline, Venue, and Reporting
The deliverables defined in Chapter 4 are expected to be realized in the period 10th March – 10th April, 2025.
The tasks will be carried out in Belgrade with the possibility of holding trainings outside of Belgrade, whereby the expenses of the consultant (travel costs, hotel) as well as for training material (printing, coping), will be paid by the E2E.
The consultant submits technical reports to the Intervention Area Leader for Local Labour Market Governance and Policies – Milena Jankovic.
6. Contracting
The service contract which is to be signed by two parties shall cover the period between 10th March – 10th April 2025.
7. Dynamics of payment
Against timesheets and deliverables after completing the Tasks 1 and 2 and not later than 30th April 2025.
8. Application Procedure
Individual consultants and organizations can apply for this assignment.
Deadline for application: 3rd March 2025
Applicants are requested to submit the following:
- Technical offer – brief description and suggested timeline for implementing the proposed tasks (up to 5 working days including preparation and reporting)
- CV of the expert(s)
- Financial offer for the expert day fee in CHF gross.
Submission of applications should be done to the email address: E2E@Niras.com.