Terms of Reference for a CGC Event – PR Agency

Key Activities:
- to develop and implement a detailed integrated PR and communications strategy & action plan for the PR campaign related to the CGC Event, CGC services and promoting of JOB INFO centers,
- to provide media support during the campaign & program event,
- to develop content creation, dissemination and press follow-up, execute the plan for creating media and digital partnerships,
- to provide a final PR & media outreach report towards the PIU
1. Background and context
The Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) assigned NIRAS Germany GmbH to implement the project “From Education to Employment” (hereinafter: E2E) – Phase III starting in May 2024 till the end of April 2028. The E2E supports evidence-based approaches in the local and national employment policies in Serbia.
At the national level, the key line ministry in charge of the implementation of the employment policy in Serbia relevant for implementation of the E2E is the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (hereinafter: MoLEVSA). Other line ministries such as DENQF, AoQ and NES have been actively involved in the design and implementation since the E2E started.
On the local level, the E2E aims at enhancing youth employability in twelve districts, through cooperation with local partners, who successfully established 11 JOB INFO Centers. Through the promotion of active labor market measures, the E2E facilitates the entry of young people into working life. The E2E operates through JOB INFO Centers and the envisaged vision of E2E is that all young women and men in Serbia have more decent job prospects.
The JOB INFO centres are career centres that connect at the local level schools, individuals, private sector representatives, and the civil sector in a sustainable and innovative way. JOB INFO centre represents a strong bond between the world of education and the world of work.
The key roles of the JOB INFO centres (JICs) are to provide schoolchildren, students and the unemployed support services in the process of career development and career planning. The JOB INFO centres are actively promoting e.g. job shadowing to show young jobseekers the real work environment and letting young people know what skills are currently required in certain job profiles or occupations.
Furthermore, the JOB INFO centre provides a variety of personal interest tests and competence assessments, which allow jobseekers to see if their interests are matching with the relevant labour market needs. The modern and improved career guidance and counselling (CGC) services will prepare young people better for successful career management and leads to faster employment. Through the set of services and innovative tools applied by educated career practitioners, the JOB INFO centre also helps employers find a competent workforce.
The JOB INFO Centres are at the core of the E2E vision to provide better CGC services towards citizens. JICs are working on their own organizational development to secure their financial sustainability via offering their CGC services to companies, youngsters and unemployed citizens.
2. Job description and objectives
The objective of engaging the PR Agency is to secure support in developing and implementing a detailed integrated PR and communications strategy and action plan for a PR campaign to promote the CGC event, CGC services and JOB INFO centers.
Concrete task to conduct:
- Strategic consulting and planning: Preparing a communication strategy for CGC services and JOB INFO Centers; Preparation of PR plan; Defining key targets for the public depending on the CGC outreach objectives; Defining key messages; Defining and developing strategies and tools for media relations, as well as, proposals for further improvement; Finding modalities through which key messages will be sent in a way that will be attractive to the media; social (LinkedIn, FB, YouTube, X, TikTok) and traditional media campaign; Elaborating the plans and steps taken during the campaign itself; Monitoring communication in the media and preparing reports for the E2E project; Coordination of all PR activities.
- Media relations: Preparing media base relevant to project industry and project activities; Daily media contact and monitoring changes in media events; Arranging interviews, articles and attachments in print and electronic media according to the adopted activity plan; Preparation of all materials required for publication in the media, announcements , statements, interviews, answers to questions asked, PR advertising; Media coverage monitoring and Analysis; Defining and tracking KPIs such as the number of announcements for the CGC event, % of earned vs. paid, tonality, keywords;
- EVENT ORGANISATION (end March 2025 (preliminary dates between 25-27 March)
- Present the concept for the CGC event (see Annex 1); Creating the visual identity; Venue suggestions; Scenario with moderator’s proposal and statements from participants; Preparing audio-visual materials for the event; Creating online registration form; Creating invitation; Preparing a database of journalists, inviting and coordinating journalists at the event; Technical support in organizing events – stage design, sound system; Promotional materials; Detailed cost estimation; Agency support on the spot
- The mandate shall be performed in close cooperation and consultation with E2E PR Capacity Builder and Communication Expert.
3.The PR Agency profile
The engaged PR Agency is expected to:
- Have a suitable and extensive background in the field of PR, communications, event organization, media relations;
- Have at least 10 years’ experience in conducting integrated PR and communications campaigns;
- Have available pool experts to dedicate in fulfilling objectives defined in Article 2
4. Deliverables
The deliverables of the assignment shall comprise:
- Provision of described PR support – preparation and definition of PR plan, target public, key messages, strategy and tools of media relations; social and traditional media campaign; event concept and execution (see Annex 1), visual identity; promotional materials; various video content; coordination of all PR activities, detailed cost estimation, report
- Organizing the successful CGC Event
5. Timeline, venue, and reporting
Tasks defined in Article 2 are expected to be realized in February and March 2025.
- The expert is technical reporting to the PR Capacity Builder and Communication Expert – Sandra Vlatković.
6. Estimated budget
The gross fee will be defined according to the financial offer that is a part of the contract for the CGC event.
7. Contracting
The service contract which is to be signed by two parties shall cover the period between 10st February and 31st March 2025.
8. Application Procedure
Deadline for Application: 7th February 2025.
PR Agencies can apply for this assignment.
Applicants are requested to submit the following:
- Technical concept for the CGC Event and campaign
- CVs of the expert
- Financial offer based on monthly net amount in CHF
Submission of Applications should be done to the email address: E2E@Niras.com no later than 7th February 2025.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by 7th February 2025.
Annex 1
Event concept draft and preliminary agenda
Working Title: Innovative & High-Quality CGC & Employment Support Services for Serbia
Date (tbc): 25/26 /27 March 2025
Venue (tbc): e.g. PKS, Resavska 13-15, Belgrade (or NAPA) or Hotel ZIRA or other suggested venue
Event languages: Serbian (consecutive ENG)
No. of participants (media representatives excluded): 120 – 150 persons
Primary Focus: Promoting Job Info Centers through national policy partners and Local Self-Governments (LSGs).
Event Objectives:
- Highlight CGC services and solutions of Job Info Centers among national and local decision-makers.
- Strengthen recognition for CGC services as tools to improve employment and career development, addressing brain drain.
Target Audience:
- Local Level:
- Primary: LSG decision-makers, including mayors and deputy mayors, with real decision-making authority for allocating funds to CGC (LEAPs, LAPY; LED)
- Secondary: Members of Local Employment Councils, typically facilitated by NES branch offices.
- National Level:
- Ministries (MoLEVSA, MoE), DENQF, AoQ, NES.
- Objective: Gain recognition from national level for the quality CGC services provision as a vehicle for better placing students into jobs and /or students into dual education (preventing brain-drain).
Proposed Event Agenda and structure:
09:30 – 10:00 | Gathering of participants, welcome coffee and registration |
10:00 – 10:30 | Guided tour of the CGC Mini Fair showcasing innovative CGC tools developed
Media statements (high officials – Ambassador, minister,) |
10:30 – 10:45 | Opening speeches |
Speeches by high-ranking officials (Ambassadors, Ministers) alongside E2E project representatives | |
10:45 – 11:30 | Panel Discussion – National Panel
Topic: Advancing the CGC system on a national scale |
• Panelists: Representatives of national institutions, including directors and assistant ministers (4–5 participants) | |
11:30 – 12:00 | Coffee Break |
12:00 – 12:45 | Panel Discussion – Youth Panel
Topic: Personal experiences and testimonials from beneficiaries |
• Speakers: Job Info centers CGC practitioners, job portal representatives, school officials, supported by video success stories (4–5 participants) | |
12:45 – 13:30 | Panel Discussion – LSG Panel
Topic: Effective strategies for workforce development at the local level |
• Speakers: Representatives of local self-governments and Job Info Centers, including Mayors, Deputy Mayors, City Administration responsible for LED and heads of JICs (4–5 participants) | |
13:30 | Networking cocktail, VR experience, and informal discussions |
Technical Requirements:
- CGC Tools Exhibition:
- Cards, tablets, personality and competency assessment tests.
- Animated videos showcasing tools and partnerships (e.g., Infostud collaboration).
- VR Promotion Box:
- Creative VR experience for attendees to explore job profiles.
Media Campaign:
- Before the Event: Regular posts on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) and classic media outreach (e.g., RTS media slots).
- During the Event: Live updates and highlights.
- After the Event: Impact stories and follow-ups.