Phase III in Nutshell – Enhancing Employment Opportunities in Serbia
The E2E project is set to embark on its final Phase III, spanning from May 1, 2024, to April 30, 2028. Phase III aims to create new or improved job opportunities for women, men, and vulnerable groups in Serbia through improved employment support services and industry-led training programs.

The E2E’s vision is to provide decent job prospects and career paths for everyone in Serbia. The project’s mission focuses on enhancing the position of women and men in the labour market by improving the employment support services, offering comprehensive career guidance and counselling (CGC) services, modernizing employment policies, and developing a skilled workforce that meets the demands of the private sector.
At the local level, the E2E will make a significant effort to improve employment support services that enable companies to make objective and unbiased decisions when selecting a competent workforce, career guidance and counselling provision and the CGC ecosystem. By embedding its developed products and services into a diverse range of providers, such as the National Employment Service (NES), private employment agencies and schools, the E2E will be scaling and standardizing the JOB INFO Centres concept across more regions. These JOB INFO centres co-financed and integrated into local communities, will serve as vital links between job seekers and the workforce needs of companies. Additionally, the private sector will be contributing by offering practical, industry-led training solutions, which will be further enhanced through training advisory services and co-financed by local and national funds.
On a national scale, the E2E employs an evidence-based bottom-up feedback mechanism to ensure that relevant local innovations are mainstreamed, implemented, and funded through national employment frameworks. This comprehensive effort includes supporting revisions of the Law on Employment and improving the CGC legislative ecosystem, unlocking funding and providing access to civil society organizations (CSOs).
• The expected outcomes of Phase III are multi-faceted. Firstly, a greater number of women and men will benefit from enhanced CGC, employment support services, and training solutions. Secondly, companies will improve their training offers and HR practices by utilizing employment support and advisory services. Lastly, sub-national and national policymakers and implementers will work towards creating a more supportive institutional and policy environment for employability and employment.
• The initiatives undertaken in Phase III will benefit a broad spectrum of the society, including women, men, vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities and the Roma community, job seekers, and companies. The target groups involved are diverse, ranging from the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA) to private companies and employment agencies.
• As E2E embarks on this next phase, the project’s commitment to driving progress and creating better employment opportunities for all remains unwavering. This new phase promises to make significant contributions to Serbia’s labour market, fostering an environment where everyone can benefit from improved job prospects and career paths. Stay tuned for more updates as E2E continues to advance its mission and vision in the coming years.