JOB shadowing in Zumtobel company

The Job shadowing programme which the Job Info Centre in Niš implements within the “Education to Employment” programme implies that students go for visits to the companies which are cooperating with the Niš JIC. The intention is that young people learn about a specific profession with the help of experts. This makes it easier for the students to overcome the gap between theoretical and practical part of the job and, accordingly, acquire the knowledge that may be useful in making further career decisions.

“During their visits to a company, the students shadow the work of an employee and in that way learn the basic elements of the job which interests them. This approach helps young people learn about a specific profession onsite, which then makes it easier for them to decide whether they would like to do that job in future or not”, Aleksandra Ignjatović, career counsellor in the Niš JIC, said.

In 2023 a successful cooperation was established with Zumtobel Lighting company from Niš. After they finished the training for CNC operators, two candidates got a job in this company. The cooperation continued in 2024 and so in the beginning of current year, a visit to Zumtobel company was organised for a group of students.

“Within the continuation of cooperation, we also organised a visit to Zumtobel company for the students in the fourth year of the Niš Mechanical School’s department for Technicians for computer operation of CNC machine so that they can learn more about the work position of a CNC operator”, we were told in the Niš JIC. “A CNC operator makes semi-finished products and finished products from different types of materials (metal, plastic, wood), using different machines and devices with integrated software. The CNC operator’s area of work is wide and this profile is constantly in demand.”

We also learnt in the Niš JIC that the previous experience showed that this type of visits to companies provide an important and often irreplaceable source of information with regard to a specific profession.
“Particularly when students who never had the opportunity to have practical training in school are concerned. This greatly helps them make further decisions with regard to their further career pathway”, Aleksandra Ignjatović explained.
We were told in the Niš Job Info Centre that they are satisfied that the Mechanical School recognised the importance of these visits and that, due to the benefits for students, they are interested in maintaining the cooperation.
Text and photo: Jovana Đorđević / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković