High-level Swiss delegation responsible for the Advisory Commission for International Development Cooperation visited the VET Polytechnic school “Aleksandar Karadjordjevic” in Kragujevac

Kragujevac: We are honoured to host the high-level Swiss delegation responsible for the Advisory Commission for International Development Cooperation within the VET Polytechnic school “Aleksandar Karadjordjevic” in Kragujevac.
Local charismatic change agents such as the school principal Sinisa Kojic and his motivated team are successfully working with the established Job info centar Kragujevac through the support of E2E Education to Employment to mobilize the interest of the next generation. Jointly the VET school and JOB INFO centers connect students to the local companies via promoting dual VET profiles and organising work-based learning programs with qualified mentors. Additionally, via innovative modern career guidance and counselling tools such as the competence assessment tests and VR simulations for welders’ young students gain already a first insight into the occupations and the working situations.
Thanks for the great and open discussions faciliated by the Swiss Ambassadors Anne Lugon-Moulin and Didier Chassot as well as Sabine Döbeli, Catherine Schumperli Younossian, Manuel Battegay, Stefan Brantschen, Isabelle Chevalley, Markus Mader, Anja Kyia Dräger, Andrea Ries. It was a real pleasure presenting the innovative CGC tools and instruments. Thanks to Katrin Ochsenbein and Jovana Mihajlovic for the opportunity to present the E2E impacts and the changes it made for the beneficiaries and thanks to Jelena Stefanovic, Lazar Đoković for the practical CGC explanations.