Forklift operator through the VR headset

Niš: In addition to the profession of a welder which the users of the Niš Job Info Centre (JIC) previously had the opportunity to get to know better by experiencing it in virtual reality (through the VR headset), there is now something new in the Niš JIC. Namely, it is now possible to, through the VR experience, learn about one further profession, that of forklift operators.
“Now young people can use simulation to learn more about the profession of a forklift operator and all the relevant details: what this job looks like – from how to operate a forklift to the overall atmosphere and the environment in which this job is performed”, Aleksandra Ignjatović, career counsellor in the Niš JIC, said.
The same as in the case of the profession of a welder, during this experience the users are supported and instructed by a virtual mentor on how to operate the forklift. In this way the users get feedback which helps them go through the simulation, but also learn about what this profession actually looks like.

Besides career counsellors who tested the simulation for this profession, one of the users also got the opportunity to try himself out in the profession of a forklift operator. As he is someone who already has experience in working on similar jobs, he pointed out that simulation is a wonderful way for a person to try themselves out in a job. He said that the environment is depicted realistically and that the experience provided is excellent.
“In the coming period we expect the introduction of VR experience for electrical fitters and cooks, as well as some more professions to be also demonstrated in virtual reality”, we were told in the Niš Job Info Centre.
To date, the use of this innovative tools has considerably improved the career guidance and counselling services in the Niš JIC.
“We hope that in this way we will be able to increase the interest of youth for specific professions that are in deficit on the labour market and, consequently, contribute to the increase of employment”, Aleksandra Ignjatović concluded.
Text and photo: Jovana Đorđević / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković