Excellent results – a good way towards the continuation of the project

Pirot: Now underway is the second – the final phase in the implementation of the eight-year “Education to Employment” project – that is what we were told in Pirot Zip Centre, a project partner. They added that the third phase and the continuation of the project is expected since its results so far have been excellent.
“Now we are drawing to a close of the second phase of this project’s implementation. Throughout the recent period we have been supporting the work-based learning which falls within the purview of the Zip Centre, as well as career guidance and counselling”, Ana Petrović from the Zip Centre noted. She is in charge of WBL.
While the training in “Photon Optronics” company in Niš is finished, these on-the-job trainings are still ongoing in further two companies in Niš.

“In “Harder digital Sova d.o.o.” company, six people are undergoing training for the profession of an operator in the production of electrical optical devices. In “Moonstruck d.o.o.” company two programmers are undergoing the training. These trainings will finish on 31 January of current year and with them all WBL trainings will be completed”, Petrović said.
According to her, more than 70 young people and 15 companies from Pirot and Niš which trained their staff have participated this programme in the course of last year.
“Trainings have mostly finished. These two trainings in Niš that are still in progress will be the last in the second phase of project implementation”, she said.

Petrović added that, considering that there is a great interest for it among both the youth and the employers, the third phase of the project was also announced.
“The entire project has yielded excellent results. In March more details will be known about the continuation of the project in Pirot and the third phase. This project is extremely important for further development of entrepreneurship, as well as for employment with career counselling and guidance”, Ana Petrović said.
Text: Zoran Panić / Photo: Archive of the ZIP centre/ Edited by : Sandra Vlatković