Career counselling with most current tools

Pirot: Career counsellor Marko Cenić said for TV Pirot that Pirot Job info centre also uses most current technologies for career counselling in schools.
“After seven years of work experience, we have become recognisable. Young people come to us and we are well-accepted not only in Pirot but also in further three municipalities of Pirotski county: Babušnica, Dimitrovgrad, and Bela Palanka, as well as in Niš”, Cenić said.
According to him, the Job info centre continues their career counselling for students in the final year of primary and secondary schools in Pirotski county and in Niš. Recently, their career counsellors visited the Pirot Grammar School.

“We joke among ourselves that, when we go to a school, we do not go there purposelessly but to talk with students about their career choice. In Pirot Grammar School we drew a brain map so that the final-year students can see what choice they have after they finish school. Maybe students of this school, as well as other secondary schools in Pirot, know what they will choose to do after they take their final exams, but it cannot hurt if they learnt something more, such as how to write a CV and a motivational letter. All that mean a lot to them and it is good that they know that there exists an institution which can help them. They also come to the info centre in view of the fact that our advice is free of charge”, Cenić said.

Since they play a role in group career counselling in schools and individual counselling in the premises of the Job info centre, new tools become even more interesting. They round up this service that has for seven years already been implemented within the Education to Employment project.
“Along with new times came new tools, such as the WR headset. We do personality tests, affinity tests, and the Basic Check test, or competency basics, so that the students would find it easier to make their career choice after they finish primary or secondary school. After the WR headset for the profession of a welder, there came the ones for forklift operator and fitter of low- and high-voltage power grids. We intend to present further six professions in this way before the end of the year so that youth would be provided information about more professions”, Cenić said.

He highlighted that these tools are also important for all who are interested in WBL considering that, through a virtual presentation, they can take a look into the profession for which they would like to receive the training.
In two companies in Niš the trainings have recently been completed for the jobs in the sectors of programming and optical elements and it is expected that the trainees will soon be awarded the relevant certificates. The companies in question are “Moonstruck” and “Harder Digital Sova”. More than 60 percent of trainees are already at the work positions for which they received the training.
Cenić announced that the visit to Dr Zoran Đinđić Primary School in Brzi brod near Niš, namely career counselling of eighth-grade students and working with the grammar school students in final year of school, will be followed by a visit to the students of “8. septembar” primary school.

Text: Zoran Panić / Photo: Z.P. and the archive of the Job info centre / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković