After workshop the career choice is securer

Kruševac: Five residents of Kruševac, who are secondary school students and prepare themselves for university, gathered together in the workshop within the “Education to Employment” programme. The workshop was dedicated to talking about why they decided on specific university studies.
The workshop took place in the Kruševac Educational Centre and the goal was to help young people to find out whether they have made the right decision and to be provided, by career practitioners, the required information about the tools they can use when they are deciding on their future career.
Dario Dobrijević, who is now finishing the Secondary Medical School, department for physiotherapy technicians, plans to enrol the High School in Ćuprija, department for highly specialised radiologists, although his decision is not final yet.

“In this way I will continue to work with patients, which I really love. Besides this, I also love sport and fitness. My idea is to enrol the HFS academy at the same time, as well as to get the NASM certificate for personal trainers so that I can do that job in parallel“, he said.
Workshops like this one are very important to him since he can hear what other people think about his choice. He, too, can get to know what his peers are thinking.
Even though before she came to the workshop she thought that she has made the final decision and that she will continue school in the USA with a sports scholarship, Angelina Mihajlović, who is finishing the Grammar School, realised during the discussion that she was not certain about it any more.

“We were writing about why we want to do what we want to do and I realised that it is not what I want to do after all. It seems to me now that I would rather study economics“, she said.
The workshop met her expectations:
– I would recommend this workshop to all my friends as it is useful, fun, interesting…
Mina Nikolić (17), who is attending Secondary Construction School, department for fashion design, plans to continue her education in that direction.
“I learnt a lot at the workshop. Earlier I did not contemplate the possibility of enrolling other departments, but I am starting to do that. In the past I came to other workshops to which we were invited through our school. That is how I learnt about this one. I would recommend to everybody to come, everything is useful here“, she concluded.
For the time being, communicology and public relations are the first choice of Anđelina Stojanović (18) who is to finish the Grammar School soon.

“Workshops like this one are very useful. I started coming as far back as last year. I did the basic check test and it is then that I realised what I am good at and where I have room for improvement, and what is it that I can take into consideration in future. Then I started focusing on what I was really good at. Now I have got a much clearer picture. Last year I was more inclined to enrol psychology, but I have changed my opinion with time. Although I would not say that I have abandoned that idea completely“, Anđelina said.
Katarina Dragonjić, who is finishing the Grammar School, department for audio/visual arts, would like to enrol psychology and, when the time comes, specialise investigative psychology.

Tekst i foto: Jelena Božovć / Uredila: Sandra Vlatković