E2E Story – The Kruševac Job Info centre’s website has been launched

E2E Story – The Kruševac Job Info centre’s website has been launched

Kruševac: The intention behind the website of Job info centre in Kruševac, created in the Kruševac Educational Centre within the “Education to Employment” project (https://www.krusevac.jobinfo.rs/), is to help employers, and young unemployed job-seekers, as well pupils and students, find the information they need. Namely, it presents all the services provided by this Centre.

Moreover, they never stopped working with youth, not even during the summer, considering that the users and all interested were made available the time-slots for individual career guidance and counselling.

“The website presents the services which the Job info centre provides. These services are meant for employers who need new staff. They can contact us and we will make competency assessment of young people for them and then, based on it, we will recommend them the workers. Besides, we provide services to the unemployed. They can fill out the form on our website and then come to us for an individual career guidance and counselling session within which competency assessment is carried out and they are recommended the profiles, i.e., specific work positions“, Aleksa Pavlović explained. He is engaged within the project as a career counsellor in the Educational Centre.

Now ongoing are negotiations with the companies from Rasinski and Pomoravski county regarding the professions for which they will implement paid on-the-job training. We are also talking about the possibilities of job shadowing within which students go to companies to observe the performance of specific job on the spot.

Pavlović noted that, during the summer, the services of career guidance and counselling are directed towards individual sessions, or basic check tests, which show to youth where their competences lie.

Vuk Milovanović, who is in September starting his fourth year of First Technical School in Kruševac, department for electrical technicians for computers, decided to check the status of his current knowledge.

“I liked the test. It is good, it shows where I am at the moment, the level of my general knowledge. Based on it, I am able to see what I am good at and where I have room for improvement“, Vuk said after testing.

He found that questions with longer texts were the most difficult. Thus, that is something on which he will work in the coming period. He plans to enrol either the Faculty of Organisational Sciences or the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, and IT will be his backup option.

This test was not his first contact with career guidance and counselling considering that he has already participated in the workshops in the Youth Office and attended the presentations that were held in his school.

“This is really useful, but I think that many of my peers do not know about the testing of this kind. They need to be popularised, they should be talked about so that more people would hear for them, because I believe that, after they undertake this testing, people would have a clearer picture of what they want to do in future“, Vuk, who heard about this testing from an older friend of his, stressed.

The basic check test consists of linguistic reasoning tests, multidimensional reasoning tests, numerical reasoning test, English as a foreign language, natural sciences, occupation health and safety, technical comprehension, digital literacy, questions about humans and health, as well question about economy, planning, and organisation.

Test i photo: Jelena Božović / Edited by: Sandra Vlatković